miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

Legal Ages: Did you know?

I guess you could argue, but for me, marriage is not something important at all. I think it is not necesary to sign a paper wich tells "offcially" that you love someone and you want spend the rest of your life with him or her. That's a very personal decision wich can even change during your life. However, let's be realistic... we live in a world that apparently has to rule every aspect of our lives, otherwise, this would be a distaster. (It's like we couldn't control ourselves, isn't it? )

We can't deny then, that mariage gives a legal support wich is very important if you have children for example, or when - and I hate to think about this- one member of the couple dies. So today I'm going to talk about the legal marriageable age, in wich we can't find interesting ways of thinking arround the word.

In most of the countries, the legal age for getting married is 18 or 20, and 15 or 17 with parental consent. Here we have most of american and european countries. It's hard to say if at this age a person is ready or not to get married. Although we are culturally convinced that an 18 years old person is mature enough to do many things (such as, driving, drinking, etc.), sometimes,when this decisions are taken when you are too young it finally becomes a complete disaster. Anyway, now we have our superheroe: the divorce, wich recognizes that we can actually mistake.

Interestingly, in some countries women are "allowed" to get married before than men. This is the case of most of countries in Asia, like Afghanistan, Armenia, China, India, Irak, etc. It's difficult to say something about this because they have other cultures very different from ours, and the sexism is very strong in those countries.

Shockingly, in some places there's no minimun age for getiing married. Here we have some contries like Brunei or Kuwait, where altough the law just says that the couple has to have reached the puberty and to be of sound mind , there is no marriage registration of females under 15 years or males under 17.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

They want to build another runway WE ALL say no, nO NO

Amy went to the "Make a Noise Carnival" against climate changes, to find out what it was about. There was a huge protest at Hearthrow against the construction of the 3rd runway in the new terminal. People were very angry about this, because a new runway would mean much more noise and pollution in the city, and if the goverment was seriously worried about climate changes, they would realize that this change, this runway, IS NOT a good idea.

Amy decided to do something about this, so she sang a very creative song (very similar to rehab, but I think it's just my imagination) saying NO, NO, NO to the new runway.

I think this video far from being just a parody, contains a very important message for all of us. We have to realize that the climate changes are a BIG problem nowadays. It is just in our hands to take care of our planet, and fight against some people who just care about money.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Hapiness is Family?

Happiness is such a "big" word which can't be simply explained. In fact, I think that "to feel happy" involves many other feelings, and depends on the person. That's why I think that family doesn't necesarily make a child or person happy.

There's no doubt in the fact that family playes a very important and significant role in the life of a person, specially in Chile, where I think it's even overvalued. However, this is the reason why a person's home, where he or she can share with his or her family, becomes in some cases, a real unpleseant place to be in. In fact, in Chile we have plenty of cases of domestic violence which is a worrisome situation of course.

If family is such an important thing in Chile, we should take this fact and use it to improve our lifestyle. I believe that a good family which gives support to its members is not everything in life, but of course, it gives a lot. Perhaps, the problem is that we talk much about how important our familiy is, that we finally idealize it, but we actually don't realize that we are part of it and we have to do things to make our home a good place to live in.

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Who am I

Hi, my name is Mauricio and I'm 18 years old. I live with my family in a small appartament in the center of the city. I started studying psycology this year at the Universidad de Chile and I'm really happy with this course. This change has been really exiting, I have met many new people and places, a whole diferent world.

What I most like in my life is art and music. I play the piano and that's what I most enjoy doing. Also, I like going out with my friends to parties o just to have good conversations.

This year, I took an english course and that's why I created this blog. I've been in touch with english since I was a child. My mother is a translator and I got used to hear many words in english. I've always liked the language so when I was about thirdteen years old, I studied english for 2 years at an institute here in Chile. After that, I just had to do it on my own and practice with my mom, until now, that I have a new oportunity to improve myself.

I hope you like what I'll write here and enjoy reading it.
Bye :)